A Million Penguins

Want to write a novel but need a little help?

How about having millions of people from all over the world throwing in their opinions?

Now that we’ve all got used to Wikipedia and the idea of everyone having a go at editing an encyclopedia, you can now help write a wikinovel.

A Million Penguins takes the wiki idea a step or two further asking people around the world to take part in an exersize that seems to be as much a social experiment as a writing project. The website says, “A Million Penguins is an experiment in creative writing and community. Anyone can join in. Anyone can write. Anyone can edit. Let’s see if the crowds are not only wise, but creative. Or will too many cooks spoil the broth?”

So, will you be leaping in to add your writing skills to the mix?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He previously worked in radio for about 25 years but these days he spends his time at Compassion Australia, working towards releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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1 Comment

  • Excellent idea… a book written by the community.

    Once upon a time (well… about 2 years ago while sat in a Chinese restaurant with some colleagues and their partners) I nearly got arm twisted into making a website copying the old adventure books – the ones where it said “to throw the axe at the troll, turn to page 123″… I thought about doing that on the web – a self generating book.

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