Still time to take the survey

I’ve been very pleased with the amount of people who’ve taken the time to fill out the short, anonymous survey about this blog. If you’ve taken the survey let me say a huge thank you.

The information coming from the survey has been very helpful already and I’m looking forward to taking a closer look at the results once a few more surveys are completed.

The Journey would simply be a personal, private diary if it wasn’t for you reading what I write, so your opinion matters a lot to me.

If you haven’t had the chance already, can you please take a couple of minutes to complete the survey?

Thanks for your help.

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Tragedy strikes close to home

The helicopter had been hovering near our house for some time on Monday night but I really didn’t give it much thought. I figured the police helicopter was doing some kind of routine patrol.

As I went to bed I switched on the radio to hear the 10:00 p.m. news. A young child was missing in a suburb near us. The police helicopter was using their spotlight to search the area backed up by officers on the ground.

I jumped out of bed to grab the street directory. I showed Pauline where the child was missing and she told me that a school friend of our son James lived in that area. We wondered if it was his younger brother that was missing.

Yesterday morning came the sad news that 18 month old Dut Dier had been found dead in a man made lake just a hundred metres from his home. It seems that he slipped out the door and headed straight for one of his favourite places.

Words can’t describe how the tragedy makes me feel as I think about what happened and what might have been but I know that that’s nothing comapred to the grief that the Dier family is feeling right now.

An article in The West says,

The Diers were refugees from Sudan and moved to Sydney four years ago. They moved to Perth last year because they thought there would be more work available and it would be a safer environment for the children.

How do you recover from something like that?

It was beautiful to hear James pray for the family and for his friend last night before he went to sleep. I’m sure that the Dier family will need a lot more prayer in the coming days and weeks.

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Thumbs Up! Edition Twelve

Thumbs Up! has been taking quite a break of recent weeks. The truth is, I just haven’t been getting submissions.

I wondered whether I should just let it go but I figure it’s still worthwhile and so I’ll give it another try.

How about deciding now to write a Thumbs Up! post today and sending me the details to include in the next edition?

If this is the first you’ve heard of Thumbs Up! and you’re wondering what it’s about you can read the details here.

Dean’s written a wonderful post this time around with his Thumbs Up to Unknown Person posted at his blog My Jarrol Spot. It’s a simple thanks to someone he doesn’t even know and may never meet. Are there people that you don’t know who help to put a smile on your face?

I want to give a huge Thumbs Up! to Justin who went well and truly above the call of duty in ensuring that everyone’s comments travelled to my new WordPress blog. Even though he didn’t know me, he put hours of work into finding solutions to some difficult issues.

Snoskred also deserves a Thumbs Up! for not only hosting this blog at a very reasonable price but for her tireless efforts to set me up and help me out at every step to ensure the smoothest possible transition to a new blogging platform.
I don’t think I’ve left anyone out but if you did post a submission this week and you can’t see it here, please email me so that I can add your post. If you missed out on being a part of Thumbs Up! this week, get posting now and submit for next week.

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