Lost and Found

sony_micro_vault.pngWhat’s the strangest place you’ve found something you’ve lost?

On Friday evening I was getting organised for bunking down in the Cranbrook Baptist Church as part of last week’s ride for cancer from Perth to Albany.

I noticed something on the stage of the church. It was a USB thumb drive. I picked it up and figured that it must have belonged to someone from the church but it looked strangely familiar. It looked just like one that belonged to my wife Pauline which went missing in January this year.

I knew it couldn’t have been the one we’d lost because we’d never set foot inside that church before. The next morning, curiousity got the better of me and I asked Ash, our technical expert, to check out what was on it. Sure enough it was full of photos, our photos.

I’m guessing that it must have got caught up in my sleeping bag and seeing as Friday was the first time I’d used the sleeping bag since January, it must have dropped out when I was unpacking.

We’d searched high and low for the thumb drive at the time but we’d pretty much given up all hope of seeing it again. Who would have guessed that it would turn up in a church hundreds of kilometres from where it’d been lost 10 months later?

Have you found things that you thought were gone forever? What has been the strangest place you’ve found something? I’d love to hear your story so please drop me a line in the comments section of this post.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He previously worked in radio for about 25 years but these days he spends his time at Compassion Australia, working towards releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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1 Comment

  • A few weeks ago I took my son (7 years old) into the city on the train. He had bike plus some snacks and his drink bottle. The plan was to pick up my bike from the repair shop, and ride at least part of the way home.

    After getting my bike, stopping for an icecream etc, we went back down to catch the train home. We got into the train with the bikes, and my son suddenly looked at me and said, ‘Pappa, where’s my drink bottle?!?” We realized that we had left it on the train coming in. I responded that we must have lost it, and I doubted we’d ever get it back.

    My son looked around the train carriage, and noticed something wedged into one of the fold-up seats next to him.

    It was his drink bottle.

    The time we took to in the city must have been exactly the right time for the train to go all the way to the end of its line, and then come back again, and we caught exactly the same one coming back! I’m still amazed at it!!

    Incidentally, we stopped at Canning Bridge and rode together the 8kms back to our place in Leeming. On his little single speed bike, it was slow going, but he made it without a single complaint, and I’m very proud of him.

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