Waiting for that Aha! Moment

I was speaking to a pastor recently about the possibility of staging performances of Mark’s Gospel by Noel Christian in his area.

I talked about the possibilities of taking the performance to a secular setting such as the local pub. Noel recounted the story of how effective it can be when we do this kind of stuff in places like that.

We talked excitedly about reaching beyond the ‘church’ to people who really need the gospel.

The pastor, a guy who I really respect, seemed to be very caught up in the excitement. He then said that he could see Noel’s performance fitting in very well with a new concept they’re starting soon – ‘in their church.’ Aaaargh.

Like so often before, I’m left waiting for this guy to have that aha! experience. That moment when he realises that the people who need to hear this stuff and experience the performance won’t walk through the doors of his church. The people who will walk through the door are those invited as friends of members of the church – and hey – shouldn’t they be introduced to Jesus by their friends anyway?

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How Many Personalities?

I was getting changed today and started thinking about the many different aspects there are to each of us. I was changing from my shirt and tie to my lycra cycling gear. Both outfits are totally me but completely different.

I love dressing well when the situation requires it. I feel very much at home in a suit. I also love wearing my cycling gear and getting out on the road. Both these outfits are very much me at work, though in very different parts of my job.

Then there’s all the other changes of clothes I go through, each appropriate for whatever task I’m involved in at the time.

My point? (You knew I had to be rambling about this for some reason.) We are multi-faceted creatures and most of the time we can slip between each facet without changing who we are. Why is this important? We need to be aware that while we must create ‘church’ that fits our community as a natural expression of our lives, we musn’t be afraid to incorporate some concepts that are ‘other worldly’. We don’t want to create ‘false segments’ in our lives but we must understand that we naturally vacillate between roles without compromising the integrity of who we are.

I hope that makes some kind of sense.:)

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Done Your Christmas Shopping Yet?

Darryl has posted an interesting link to a site suggesting that we buy nothing this Christmas. Sure wraps up Christmas shopping in a hurry.

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Hypnotised at Work

I did a little moonlighting today. I did a 3 hour voice over seesion. I sat in a studio with another voice over artsist and read scripts.

Most of mine consisted of a number of introductory phrases and a bunch of numbers. I wouls read ‘1’, she would read a word, I would read ‘2’, she would read another word and so on and so forth. It was for the audio component for an English language workbook. By the end of the 3 hours we worth both almost hypnotised by the slow, repetitive nature of the job. Mind you, I don’t mind to much. It pays well and they’ve booked us again for Monday morning.

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Some Good Television

After my earlier rant about television I’ve now got to mention some great news I got this morning.

One of the national commercial networks has agreed to screen a documentary, currently in production, about my recent cycle trip from Perth to Hobart. We will put a one hour programme together looking at the highs and lows of our 32 day trip. It’ll be awesome. We’ll be showing the rest of Australia what a bunch of people can do when they’re sold out to Jesus.

Now we only need to find some more sponsors to kick in some more editing funds. Let’s celebrate.

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