I was out driving yesterday when I saw a very new, very nice, white Mercedes Benz.

The number plate read: HELOVESME

My guess is that it was a gift from whoever it is that loves the occupant of the car.

I personally thought that it was a bit over the top. Should people really try to show their love with extravagantly expensive gifts like this? I know I would never buy my wife a Mercedes Benz to show my love.

There are two basic reasons why I wouldn’t do such a thing.

1. I can’t afford it.

2. Pauline would much prefer a nice little white BMW.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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… And now for a little light relief

An old farmer went to the city one weekend and attended the big city church. He came home and his wife asked him how it was. “Well,” said the farmer, “it was good. They did something different, however. They sang praise choruses instead of hymns.”

“Praise choruses?” said his wife. “What are those?”

“Oh, they’re OK. They are sort of like hymns, only different,” said the farmer.

“Well, what’s the difference?” asked his wife.

The farmer said, “Well, it’s like this – If I were to say to you “Martha, the cows are in the corn”‘ – well, that would be a hymn. If on the other hand, I were to say to you:

Martha, Martha, Martha,


the cows, the big cows, the brown cows, the black cows

the white cows,

the black and white cows,


are in the corn,

are in the corn, are in the corn, are in the corn,


Then, if I were to repeat the whole thing two or three times, well, that would be a praise chorus.”

The next weekend, his nephew, a young, new Christian from the city came to visit and attended the local church of the small town. He went home and his mother asked him how it was. “Well,” said the young man, “it was good.

They did something different however. They sang hymns instead of regular songs.”

“Hymns?” asked his mother. “What are those?”

“Oh, they’re OK. They are sort of like regular songs, only different,” said he young man.

“Well, what’s the difference?” asked his mother.

The young man said, “Well, it’s like this – If I were to say to you ‘Martha,

the cows are in the corn’ – well, that would be a regular song. If on the

other hand, I were to say to you:

Oh Martha, dear Martha, hear thou my cry

Inclinest thine ear to the words of my mouth

Turn thou thy whole wondrous ear by and by

To the righteous, inimitable, glorious truth.

For the way of the animals who can explain

There in their heads is no shadow of sense

Hearkenest they in God’s sun or His rain

Unless from the mild, tempting corn they are fenced.

Yea those cows in glad bovine, rebellious delight

Have broke free their shackles, their warm pens eschewed

Then goaded by minions of darkness and night

They all my mild Chilliwack sweet corn have chewed.

So look to the bright shining day by and by

Where all foul corruptions of earth are reborn

Where no vicious animals make my soul cry

And I no longer see those foul cows in the corn.’

Then if I were to do only verses one, three and four and do a key change on he last verse, well that would be a hymn.

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Are we 'doing the stuff'?

I had dinner with some great people last night. I’d have to say that they’re not the sort you’ll find anywhere near a church. We went to their place for a BBQ.

They had another couple there and I was interested in the discussion between the two guys. They were discussing their involvement (or lack of) in a volunteer fire service. Both agreed that the thing that stopped them getting involved was that the leadership of the group expected them to line up military style and pretty much act as if they were the subordinates.

They went on to discuss similar gripes with a local service club. One of the guys was involved for a short while but they had a lot of stuff ‘forced on them’ such as reciting oaths etc.

Both of them commented that they would get involved (and I know enough about one of the guys to know that he would be an absolute asset to such groups) if it wasn’t for all the extra formalities. They said, “It’d be all right if we were able to just get out and do the stuff.”

I know that as a church we need good leadership and some kind of structure but I wonder how many more people would want to get involved with their local church if they saw them ‘getting out and just doing the stuff’ without all the extra bits and pieces that we can often force into the equation.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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This seems to be doing the rounds of some blogs.

I found it on Joshua’s blog.

If I can find where it originated I’ll give them credit.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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The Withdrawal Symptoms are Gone

I finally made it out for my regular Saturday morning ride today. With a range of things coming up on Saturdays past, I haven’t joined the bunch for about a month.

It felt good to catch up with the regulars and put in a good ride. We even had a former world cycling champion and Olympian with us this morning.

Of course it’s always nice to finish off with a good coffee. The long black and chocolate chip muffin went down very well.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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