If you’re a regular reader of my blog you’ll be pleased to know I now have a shorter URL.

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Aussie Alpha

Hamo reckons that we should have an Aussie version of the Alpha course presented by Mick Molloy.

I think he’s onto something. Maybe we should all come up with a few ideas of Australians we think would be great to present an Alpha course.

Steve Irwin: Crikey – I can’t imagine why anyone would put their own son in danger – but that’s just what God did for us – yet he was in total control the whole time.

Rove: God coming to earth as a man? What the?

Dame Edna: Hello Possums. You know, it was just yesterday as I was speaking to God – and he said to me …..

Rolf Harris: Save my hide when I’m dead Fred, save my hide when I’m dead, so God saved his hide when he died, Clyde and that’s it hanging on the shed, all together now …

I’m sure others can come up with something more imaginative. Let’s get the comments rolling. (Sorry for those who are unfamiliar with the Aussies mentioned.)

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Dad, why do you like music?

We wanted James to have a sleep this afternoon and so I lay down next to him on his bed and sang a little to him. I sang a slowish love song and inserted his name in a couple of places.

He was still awake and so later I grabbed one of my Style Council CDs and put that on. While it was playing he asked what CD it was and I told him it was one of mine. I told him I liked sharing my favourite music with him.

He then asked me, “Dad, why do you like music?” I said, “Music can make you happy, it can make you sad, it can make you want to jump, it can make you angry …” “Cross?” James asked. “Yes, cross.” I replied. “It can make you feel lots of things.”

Then he stunned me. “I feel a bit nervous talking about this, but when you sang that song, I had tears.”

Through the singing of a simple love song to my 5 year old son, I was able to move him to tears. I know I’m not a great singer (no that wasn’t why he cried) but I was still able to move him. I guess that’s a pretty good answer right there as to why I like music. It can move me, it can move my boy and it can move billions of other people to feel more deeply and to connect with each other.

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An Essay on Hymnody

Ever get the feeling some people have far too much time on their hands?

Looks like someone did. They’ve written a very interesting Essay on Hymnody. Below is a taste of what you’ll find.

Some songs have lines we sing repeatedly

Some songs have lines we sing repeatedly

Some songs have lines we sing repeatedly

Some songs have lines we sing repeatedly … (repeat x2).

We rightly mock the heathen’s mindless chants

And then we sing ourselves into a trance

(If not into a trance, at least a daze)

Through endless repetition of a phrase.

I ask, Is this a Christian way to praise?

Why surely not! For Christians it is wrong

To babble on like pagans in our songs.

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Holiday Fun

Dave’s a great mate of mine who I don’t catch up with anywhere nearly enough. He has a wonderful website. (So much more than just a blog!!!)

He has just posted details of a trip to the museum, proving that holidays don’t have to bleed the bank account dry.

Check it out and remember the excitement of youthful learning. Drop him a comment or two and tell him I sent you.

While you’re there, have a good look around ‘Bonwag‘, it’s well worth a look.

Just to prove you’ve been there (is this a test?) you can leave a comment on my blog telling me what Bonwag stands for.

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