Dona Nobis Pacem

RodneyPeace.JPGToday, June the 4th 2008, bloggers across the globe are blogging for peace.

BlogBlast For Peace is an initiative of Mimi of Mimi Writes.

Dona Nobis Pacem is Latin for “Grant Us Peace”. The Peace Globe project began in 2006 with a simple post at Mimi’s blog ignited a flame in the blogosphere.

It amazingly traveled from blog to blog across the globe until it reached 35 countries. BlogBlast for Peace is now a semi-annual blog event which continues to grow.

The simplicity of three Latin words on a globe and bloggers writing amazing articles on what peace means to them.

All those participating today will title their posts “Dona Nobis Pacem” so have a look around, search the blogosphere and see what others are saying. Then consider what you think peace is about. Surely it’s more than just an absence of war. Either post your thoughts at your own blog or leave your ideas on peace in the comments section of this blog.

Do you think some of your friends would enjoy reading Dona Nobis Pacem? Please use the buttons below to share the post. Thanks.

Grant Us Peace

Grant_Us_Peace.JPGDona Nobis Pacem – it’s Latin for Grant Us Peace.

The Peace Globe project began in 2006 with a simple blog post at Mimi Writes. The post spread quickly around the blogosphere.

An opportunity to get involved and to tell the world what peace is all about for you is coming up on the 4th of June. You can find out more and get involved by checking out this post.

Do you think some of your friends would enjoy reading Grant Us Peace? Please use the buttons below to share the post. Thanks.