Good … Thanks

Pinocchio.jpgI’m a liar. I lie to people I don’t even know.

I dropped in at the local supermarket this afternoon. After grabbing what I needed I headed for the checkout.

The young lady serving me was very pleasant and gave me the pre-programmed greeting, “Hello, how are you today?” “Good thanks.” I said.

I lied.

Pauline, Emily, James and I have been feeling rather below average this week. Neither of the kids have been to school this week and Pauline has been feeling pretty dreadful. I’m not so good but I’ve managed to keep going and sound cheery on the radio. James is now much better, I think I’m improving, but the ladies are still suffering.

It’s an interesting phenomenon isn’t it? People can ask us how we are and unless they’re someone close we generally just ignore the facts and tell them that we’re fine. We already know that the question comes out of politeness rather than for concern for our welfare and wellbeing.

I wonder how it would have been if I’d answered truthfully. “Well, now that you ask, I’ve got a bad headache, I’m rather achy and as for my ….. ” (I’ll spare you the rest of the details.)

In the wider community it’s probably wise that we don’t burden everyone with how we’re really doing but I suppose the question is, do we have people in our lives who ask how we are and really means it? I love having people who are close enough to me to ask how I’m doing and really want to know. It’s good to know that there are people who really want to share the good and bad of life with us.

The next question of course is are we offering that kind of listening ear to others? I knew right away that the shop assistant didn’t really want to hear how I was and I’m quite sure that most of us know when “good thanks” is appropriate and when it’s right to share a bit more.

I certainly hope that people know that when I ask them how they are, that they can share how life is really going for them.

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