A Grand Reunion

We finished cycling across Australia on the 9th of October – over a month ago. Tonight we’re getting back together. Or at least a large percentage of us will be getting back together. The Western Australian contingent of our cross Australia trip is having a reunion.

So many of those who were on the trip have told me how difficult it has been to get used to ‘normal’ life since the trip ended. We were together for 32 days. We ate together – slept together (ie: we shared accommodation – not beds) – prayed together – went through tough times – went through wonderful times – shared scripture – shared our lives. Basically, we encountered ‘church’ for 32 days. We were cycling for a purpose beyond ourselvesand God was teaching us the stuff of life as we journeyed.

Of course we can’t spend our entire lives in that sort of environment – our legs would get very tired – not to mention our bottoms – but what can we take from that experience and put into our day to day routines?

I know part of the reason why people are finding it so difficult to get back to their old routines. For one, they’ve tasted true ‘fellowship of the saints’. Not that we called it that, we were just a bunch of people doing what God had asked of us – but isn’t that just the point?

I hope that we can all keep the momentum going. I hope that we don’t just assign what we experienced to a special place in history because the stuff of life was there. We need to separate the lessons from the situation in which they were taught and hang on to the lessons for dear life.

As for the reunion – I can’t wait.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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