It stands for What T-Shirt Would Jesus Wear? I was just wondering about that after seeing this article.

(AgapePress) – A San Diego school district is being sued after a student was suspended for wearing a T-shirt displaying the messages “Homosexuality is Shameful” and “Our School Embraced What God Has Condemned.”

The Poway Unified School District is accused of violating the 16-year-old sophomore’s civil rights. The federal suit filed by the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) claims that Chase Harper was suspended for expressing his Christian beliefs during the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence” observance in April. During that national event, high school and college students were urged to show support for homosexual, bisexual, and trans-gender students.

It seems that this guy is trying to claim that he’s expressing his Christian beliefs.

Is it his Christian belief that Jesus would have him condemn people openly without compassion? When I read scripture I see Jesus pouring out his anger on the pharisees who practised outward acts of religion without an inner yearning for God.

When Jesus finds people in sin, even in sexual sin, he speaks very differently. When he spoke to the woman at the well did he wear a T-Shirt saying, “Adultery and Fornication are Shameful”? No, he told her about living water. A new start for a woman who had a very sordid past.

When he stopped the woman caught in adultery from being stoned did he have a T-Shirt saying, “Adulterous Women Have Embraced What God Has Condemned”? No, he reminded the gathered crowd that they all had their own struggles with sin, then offered the woman a new start.

Jesus never once condoned sinful acts but he always acted with compassion and mercy while offering a better way. He told people to, “Go and sin no more”.

The article said, “During that national event, high school and college students were urged to show support for homosexual, bisexual, and trans-gender students”.

How would Jesus have shown support for these people? By wearing a T-shirt that condemned them?

How could this student have shown support for homosexual, bisexual, and trans-gender students?

I am the first person to admit that I don’t have much of an idea of what homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-gender people go through or what they need to help turn their lives around, but I know that it’s not hate from conceited Christians who think that they’re better than them. The scriptures say that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, not just homosexuals.

I have absolutely no problem avoiding homosexual sin, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t struggle with other sins. We are all broken people and pointing the finger at others who have ‘what we consider’ as a ‘worse sin than ours’ is only letting Satan have his way.

Maybe it should be this guy’s legal right to wear such a T-Shirt, freedom of speech allows all kinds of things, but let’s not try to pass it off as expressing a Christian belief.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Rodney,

    It was refreshing to hear your thoughts on this. I have always wondered why homosexuals are treated like lepers by so many Christians. It’s not a wonder to me why many of them hate Christians. By all outward appearances we seem to be their persecuters, not agents of Christ’s love.

  • Very good post. I agree with you completely. Too often Christians see it as their right and maybe even their duty to judge and condemn those whose sin they see as bigger than their own. What they need to understand is that sin is a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. It all breaks the heart of God whether it be stealing a pack of gum from the corner store, a sexually immoral lifestyle, murder….or judging one’s neighbor and failing to show him love.

  • Hi Rodney,

    You are all going to hate me after this post.

    I’m the last one to condemn gay people – as I am no better than they. And I concur with the approach that you advocate when dealing with sinners (like me) like Jesus did.

    The old adage needs to apply – love the sinner, but hate the sin.

    In the example of the adulterous woman that washed Jesus feet – he forgave her and told her to go away and sin no more.

    This kids T-Shirt is not condemning gay people – rather gay behaviour.
    The choice of communication may have been inappropraite – but atleast this guy had courage to make a stand

    (Evil Prevails when good men do nothing)

  • Rodney,

    Coincidently just noticed that a text add appears on this (your)comments page which reads:

    “Radical, Lesbian, Leftist Blog – Which part would you like to verify?”

    In case it doesnt appear on your window – the link is http://sisterstalk.tblog.com/

    Out of curiosity I had a look – and not wanting to judge people – I just think that this sort of militant behaviour is clearly inapproriate.

    I mean not to offend – but just point out an observation.

  • Ok Lionfish…I’ve had enough of your bullshit.

    Decide whether you’re a pharisee or a Christian. Stop trying to ride this barbed wire fence…pretending to all and sundry that you’re this ‘loving Christian’…but deep down you hate homos. Make a decision.

    Or do I have to start patrolling Perth’s beaches…wearing my ‘hubris and haughtiness is shameful’ t-shirt….to get the message across to you and others living the ‘surf lifestyle’.

    YOU go and sin no more Lionfish. Yes…….———> YOU.

  • Hi LF.

    It’s OK. No-one hates you. 🙂

    You’re right about the t-shirt condeming the behaviour rather than the person but that’s only a technicality. What message was the shirt conveying? How many homosexuals would have seen the shirt as anything but inflammatory?

    Most people see their behaviour and who they are as people as inextricably linked.

    Why should he, or anyone else, rally against a particular sin rather than spending time getting to know ‘the sinners’ and introducing them to Jesus? Why has he chosen to protest about homosexuality rather than conceit, or dishonesty, or lust, or greed, or pride, or gluttony, or any one of a thousand other sins? Because he sees homosexual sins as worse than his own? Why does he attack a particular sin rather than introduce ALL broken people to the one who overcomes sin?

    This guy’s intent is clear and is unhelpful in winning people to Christ.

  • Hey LF.

    Unfortunately I have no control over the haloscan ads. I saw the same ad on someone else’s blog. I thought that it’s pretty obvious that it’s a site I would have little interest in viewing so I just ignored it.

    I can remove all ads from the comments section if I pay for an upgrade.

    At the moment I’m just using the free account.

    It’s the first time I’ve noticed them putting anything ‘controversial’ in their ads.

  • Rodney,You are right, the guys Tshirt was insensitive – thats what I meant by his inappropriate mode of comms.

    Lance – Thanks for pointing out my sin. I find myself like “Gollum” struggling with both a bad side (hypocrisy & sin) and hopefully a degree of genuine authenticity and goodness. Itry not to let the sin hold me back though. I am well aware of the struggle inside me. By the way my sin is no greater or worse than yours.

    My comment was not against people – or you…but something still tells me that there is a concept of sin and immorality (including adultery, homosexuality, alcoholism, hypocrisy, gossip etc) that we as a society should try to rise above – and not be consumed by. Sometimes as Christians we need to stand firm – not against the people, but against the values that are less than God’s standard.

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