I don’t know about you but I get tired of reading stories about people in high profile jobs who fail to meet expectations and walk away with big payouts.
The latest is former UN Weapons Inspector, Richard Butler, who has stepped down as Governor in Tasmania. He will walk away with a payout of around $650 000 after only being in the job for around 10 months.
This article tells the full story. Here’s a snippet:
A $650,000 golden handshake extracted by Richard Butler in return for his resignation as Governor of Tasmania sparked outrage yesterday.Relief at his departure after just 10 months in the job changed to anger when Premier Paul Lennon revealed he had offered the additional payment on top of Mr Butler’s $370,000 income.
It means Mr Butler and wife Jennifer will fly away from Tasmania up to $1 million richer in what federal Labor MP Harry Quick branded “a huge Tattslotto win for very little outlay”.
Mr Lennon said he offered the package during a three-hour meeting at Government House on Monday night despite legal advice he had no obligation to do so.
It was to compensate Mr Butler, who Mr Lennon described as the victim of “gossip and innuendo surrounding alleged breaches of protocol, rudeness and arrogance”.
Whether Mr. Butler performed as badly as some have claimed or not is neither here nor there. He obviously did not meet expectations and yet he is being paid handsomely.
I wish I could be forced out of a job and be sent on my way with a cool million.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Thanks for stopping by my site. I will definitely send you the butterscotch pudding next time – I just don’t think it’ll travel well via the internet 😉 I’ve enjoyed visiting your site. I’ll be back. God Bless!
Shocked and amazed were my reactions to the Richard Butler news. I simply couldn’t believe it. If you or I had resigned from our position (actually I guess you just have!) we would expect to receive our unused holiday pay and that’s about it.
A completely inappropriate payout for a person who was completely inappropriate for the position in the first place!
I agree with you Bruce.
I think that as well as my unused holiday pay I might get a firm handshake and a small morning tea. 🙂