Looks can certainly be deceiving. I got myself organised to ride into work this morning. I dressed reasonably warm because our thermometer told me it was a little cool outside. It was right.
The next step was to open the front door. It looked like a beautiful day. Sunny skies – a few clouds here and there – but very nice none-the-less. I noticed that the ground was wet from last night’s rain so I thought I might put my rain jacket on to shield me from any spray coming off the road.
Just as well I did. I got half way here with the lovely sunny conditions before everything very suddenly went black – which was about the same time that the sky fell in. The rain bucketed down for the rest of my journey.
I’m just glad I keep a towel and a change of clothes at work. I hope that my cycling gear dries before the end of the day.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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thats a stunning graphic you got goin on at the top there, man. good stuff.
Thank you.
It comes from a photo I took last year in a town called Ceduna.
I took it during a cross Australia bike ride. We had a rest day in Ceduna and so we all headed to the waterfront to watch the sunset together.
I hate to ride in the rain. I used to ride bike to schools, work all the time and I usually didn’t have a spare change or towel.
Anyway, it’s always good to read bloggers at Perth writing about weather. As 3 days later that’s exactly what we’re getting in Sydney.