Inspirational People

I suppose we all enjoy meeting inspirational people. Today I had opportunity to spend a little time with Irene Gleeson, a grandmother and former primary school teacher from Sydney.

Irene is the Founder / Director of Childcare Kitgum Servants.

Every day Irene and her team of Ugandan nationals look after thousands of orphans in one of the most difficult places on earth. She is the only white for many kilometres surrounding her property. She bought the property she uses by selling her home in Sydney.

She wanted to go to Uganda with an existing mission organisation but no one would take her on. they all said she was too naive. So – she just up and went and has now touched many thousands of lives.

During the radio interview I recorded with her today she quoted shocking statistics of the numbers of children being adbucted in the area. She says that those in her care are rarely taken and none of the rebels in the area dare enter her land.

Her whole life is marked by a very simple trust in God and that simple trust is making a huge difference in so many lives.

This is a small part of Irene’s story from their website. The figures of children being helped quoted are probably on the low side and she has been working there for longer than the 12 years mentioned as the site hasn’t been updated in a while.

When I arrived in Kitgum, 40 kilometres from the Sudan border, I was shocked. The district had been ravaged by 20 years of war. It is a community of aged widows and orphan children, trying to scratch food from a harsh land.

My first work was to gather the destitute children who sat sick and listless all day, and teach them songs of Jesus. Soon the evenings were sweet as the sound of small voices rang across the village. I had put songs back into the hearts of the children.

That was 12 years ago. Since then, with the support of Australian donors, I have built an 18 acre sanctuary for orphans called “Victory Centre”. Our school anthem is “Victory through Jesus”.

Every day, 2400 orphans attend for free schooling, meals and medicine. They also learn vocational skills in animal husbandry, agriculture, tailoring and carpentry. Another 500 children await admittance, pending the building of another eight room school block (costing US$14,000 when funds permit).

Although war activity still disrupts life in Kitgum, God has enabled the Childcare International team to bring His hope to a community formerly in despair.

She offers child sponsorship at $30 a month for anyone wanting to be a part of her incredible ministry.

My interview with Irene will go to air this Sunday and Monday evenings on Sonshine FM.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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