Tap Tap Tap

Cycling home from work yesterday down Robinson Road in Morley I heard a tapping noise.

Tap tap …. tap tap.

I wondered if my digital radio was having some problem. Surely the batteries can’t be going flat already.

Tap tap …. tap tap.

I rode a little further before I noticed a shadow on the road ahead of me. It was a moving shadow and it was getting larger.

Tap tap …. tap tap.

It was then that I realised what was going on. The tapping wasn’t coming from my radio, it was coming from a sharp beak pecking at my helmet. I was being swooped by a magpie.

I started riding all over the road to avoid the bird. Then I realised that Mr. Magpie could dart and turn quicker than I could so I just put in a big sprint to get out of its territory.

Magpies are the only down side to cycling in Spring. The weather is perfect; the scenery is bright and alive and all is well, unless you happen to cycle near a mad magpie’s nest.

My first thoughts afterwards were that I should perhaps return with a cricket bat sometime but I’ve decided that it might be a little easier to just avoid that road on my commute over the next month or so.

I know that people might say that we’re invading their territory but come on, I was just passing through and I’m scared of heights. There’s no way that I’m going to get off my bike, climb Mr. Magpie’s tree and trifle with his nest.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Your story made me laugh because I am terrified of over protective magpies for this very reason! At least you had your helmet on.
    I should make all the kids wear their bike helmets next time we go for a walk down to the river!
    Oh and sunglasses too…

  • I used to work on a maintenance crew on a golf course. A local bird called kites, similar in size to hawks, would violently swoop down on “invaders.” I once had to keep one busy with a rake while a buddy searched for a set of keys he dropped in the grass. I’ve seen them draw blood. Reason #103 to wear a helmet while biking.

  • Well, wouldn’t you know but on Saturday I started a health kick which involves riding my bike every day, or at least exercising everyday, and at 6.30am, A nasty magpie from the park next to our house came and got me – 4 times. Needless to say I haven’t ridden that route since…

  • What is it that makes good maggies go bad? Magpies seem to be in two extreme groups. Semi-tame lovable little creatures that hop around your front lawn making cute little noises, and insane swooping creatures from hell who don’t seem to be able to grasp the concept that their nest is at least 20 feet above our heads and we are just riding or walking past in the vague vicinity!!!

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