Braff vs Pomeranz

Let the battle begin.

US star Zach Braff was recently in Australia letting everyone know about his movie, Garden State. Zach is probably best known as J.D., the main character from the very entertaining sit-com, Scrubs.

While here he was cruising around town in a BMW with a television. He saw a movie review programme which wasn’t entirely complimentary of his movie. He writes on his blog that the reviewer was a woman who he estimated was about 75 years old. Even though I know that she’s not quite that old, it would seem that he was watching Margaret Pomeranz on ABC’s At the Movies which she co-hosts with David Stratton.

He managed to get her mobile phone and called her to express his concerns.

The story is quite amusing in his own words here. (Just be aware that his language is sometimes a little spicy.)

UPDATE: Someone must have had a word to Zach about how much weight Margaret Pomeranz carries in the world of movies here in Australia. His delightful story about watching the show from the passenger seat of a BMW has been removed from his post. What a shame. It was very funny. Thanfully, I’ve found that I still had his original post cached on my home computer so I now have it saved.

If you’re a blogger yourself it might hurt a little to read Zach’s blog. It’s entertaining and well written but jealousy is a terrible thing. While I’m happy if one of my posts gets 4 or 5 comments, Zach’s posts regularly get closer to a thousand comments. Ah well, that’s fame for you.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I’ve visited Zach’s blog before too…really enjoyed the humor, although the language can get a little dicey at times. I think he’s hilarious on “Scrubs”…have yet to see “Garden State.”

  • Wow, can’t even think about that many comments. I would have to hire help just to read them. Yes, some of his words hurt my ears too.
    Thank you for the link over to my blog.

  • Just had a look at his blog but couldn’t find the commment about Margaret. Maybe he took it of to not offend reviewers out there?

  • are you able to post that comment about margaret??
    It would be great (funny) to see what Zach had to say!

  • I don’t think it’s wise to post the details. If Zach removed it then I guess he didn’t want it to be ‘that’ public. I guess I should respect his wishes.

    (However, you may well find that you have an email from me in the near future.) 🙂

  • I don’t suppose I could receive the contents of the same email? I know some people complained ZACh’s Margaret-post was ‘bitchy’ but I thought it was rather witty. Maybe I was distracted by thoughts of how much I want Zach to ask for my hand in marriage. Anyway, if there WAS a copy of said post floating around…

  • Hey there, love the site. Just wondering if you could e-mail me Zach’s post about Margaret also.
    Thanks heaps.

  • If you’ve still got a copy of that post floating around, I’d love an email as well. I find Braff to be enormously witty, so while from what I’ve heard, it does seem like he might have been a little drunkenly out of line, I would still like to see what he said.

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