
Have you made any New Year’s resolutions?

I guess now’s the time to set the tone for 2005.

There is certainly nothing magical about the 04 on the end of the date being swapped for a 05. However, I think it’s good to have opportunities to reflect on what we’ve achieved over the last little while and to look at what needs to change if we’re to reach towards what we want to achieve in the days ahead.

I suppose we need to look for resolutions that are attainable and that we can take in small steps rather than the big immediate changes that usually fail. Every year resolutions are made by many to become better people without any real way of achieving such a goal.

Maybe I should make a resolution to grow a day older each day. I’m sure to achieve that one.

Just some of the things I want to work towards are to be a better husband and father, to spend more time reading, (and not just blogs) to go down a clothes size or two, to become fitter.

There are other things that I’ll add to my list. What are your resolutions?

Technorati is listing a number of bloggers’ resolutions here.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Rodney, my long list of things I would love to be different in my life caused such a stir that I deleted it. Evidently having New Year’s resolutions is becoming increasingly unpopular wtih the crowd I hang with. About a dozen people told me I was being too hard on myself (Like THAT could ever happen! LOL) I settled on these things: daily prayer and bible reading, exercise daily, lose weight, keep to my housecleaning schedule.
    Not asking too much, methinks!

    I pray you and your family have a great year in 05. Isn’t it neat to wonder about what God has in store for your life? :o)

  • I noticed that you have Growing Families Australia on your sidebar. Are you and your family involved with them? I’ve had some very pleasant correspondence with Mrs. Joan Grosser. I know they really give of themselves to other families, though I think it’s a shame they’ve chosen the GFI/Ezzo materials to use.

  • Hi TulipGirl

    Joan is one of my regular guests on my radio programme. We discuss parenting issues each Monday morning and take talk back calls from listeners.

    There are a few links in the sidebar relating to guests. My Tuesday morning guest is psychologist Genevieve Milnes from Belmont Counselling Clinic and my Thursday morning guest is Nutritionist Philip Bridgeman from Wisdom for Health.

    By the way, I’ve just added a vote for your site. It’s a pretty close race in your category. All the best for the rest of the voting period.

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