This may be a very personal question but I have to know. Do you talk to your chosen mode of transport?
I was reading today that a survey shows that more than half of South Africa’s drivers talk to their cars. 51% of them believe that bonding with their cars will make the vehicles more reliable, according to the survey by a South African insurance company.
About 79% of those who took part in the survey believed a good relationship between human and car was the key to confidence on the road.
It’s an interesting concept. I must say that I don’t usually talk to my bikes but I have given them both names.
I’ve also seen people standing on the side of the road with their cars broken down talking to – or should I say yelling at – their cars. I’ve also heard people giving their broken down cars some pretty interesting names … but I can’t repeat them here.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Rodney, I never realized it before, but yes, I do talk to my car. Whenever I stall it or grind the gears I always I always pat the dash and apologize, LOL. I also sweet-talk my cars (we have two) when they are acting funny, as if I could talk them out of a mechanical problem.
Funny people we are.
I have to say… the only times that I have talked to my cars, is when they were broken down, when they were breaking down, or when I was selling them… I told them good-bye.
yes, we talk to our cars and even name them! lol …
Hmmm… You mean some people don’t talk to their cars??
When my taxi tells me it’s my fault we are on the wrong street I tell her to shut up!
As a South African (non-surveyed), I talk to OTHER PEOPLE’S cars. Noteably those that cut in front of me, stop without warning, and were manufactured without indicators as standard issue…. 🙂
I don’t talk to my car but it does have a name. I got the car from my parents recently and my mom introduced me to it and said her name is Pearl. It is a pearl white color, hence the name. After driving it a short time, I realized I couldn’t call it Pearl, I probably have some psychological issue, but that is beside the point. I have temporarily renamed the car Butch. I didn’t think that would stick but it is the best thing I have come up with and it seems to fit. So I actually have to go now, Butch and I are going home for the evening.
Good call Jim. I was having a discussion about naming cars with some girls the other week. Did you know that cars have a sex? That you first must discover whether your car is male or female! No wonder I can’t understand women.
I’ve only spoken to my cars after they’ve broken down, usually in a negatice light. Once I threw rocks at a car that’d broken down in the country.
Now I know what is wrong with my dying tarago….. must talk more must talk more……