What are you like at multi-tasking? Are you able to do more than one thing at a time?
Being male, I must admit it’s not one of my strengths. Breathing and watching television at the same time can sometimes be a bit of a struggle for me.
I spotted a lady this morning who obviously has multi-tasking down to a fine art. As I was cycling to work, watching the road and keeping an eye out for those of the K-9 persuassion who may desire to relieve me of a chunk of skin, I noticed a lady in her sporting gear out for a very brisk walk. But she wasn’t just walking. She had a newspaper under her arm and she was reading a rather thick novel as well. I hope she doesn’t trip on the footpath.
Seeing her managing to maintain her physical and mental capacities at the same time was inspiring. I was just riding my bike. She made me feel downright lazy.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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I have seen another woman doing the same thing, walking along the shared path near the Narrows bridge reading a book. I am suitably impressed by this woman. I don’t think I would make 10 metres without walking into something or someone!
Multi-tasking? Me? Ha! Does not compute.