Perth has been covered in smoke for the last few days. Some low-life has been lighting fires in the hills that serve as a backdrop to our beautiful city. The smoke hadn’t really reached our home until last night. Now the whole house smells smoky.
I woke during the night wondering if the fan on our air conditioner would drag some sparks into the house and cause a fire. In my sleep induced haze I then realised that being around 30 kilometres away from the fire meant that all we would get at our place would be smoke and a little bit of ash.
I certainly hope that the fires are brought under control very soon and that police are able to bring the arsonist responsible to justice.
Mind you, having a smoky smell surrounding us reminds me of my last visit to India where the smell of smoke hung in the air constantly. That in turn reminds me that in exactly one month from today I’ll be hopping on a plane to head back to India for a few weeks. It’s getting closer.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Yikes! fires are scary … hope you all keep safe!! i was in a fire when i was 3 … our family home burned to the ground and apparently after being saved from it, i walked back into the inferno, wanting to resume my nap … amazing that any of us reach adulthood from childhood, eh …
Lord build a hedge around your home …
Stay safe. Hope they stop soon.
What I cannot get my head around is what on earth goes through an arsonists head to justify lighting fires which endanger so many people and destroys so much bushland, property and wildlife. For someone to start fires like this they must have some psychological problem, or just be plain old evil, or both. We can only hope they are caught. I can think of another name to call an arsonist which also begins with the same few letters but shall not mention it here.