It’s almost here. Monday is Valentine’s Day. A day of love and romance. A day when local florists and jewellers make enough money to live comfortably until retirement.
Are you the kind of person who gets swept up in all the hype of the day? Do you buy expensive gifts for that special someone?
This will be my 13th year of sole dedication to my one true valentine …. my darling Pauline.
In earlier years, when I was young, (or at least younger) single and foolish, I used to regard Valentine’s Day cards as kind of like curriculum vitaes or resumes. I would send out several in the hope that one of them would do the trick. Just like applying for several jobs at once hoping that maybe one employer would be interested in giving me a chance. These cards were the ‘bait’ that I would drop, along with a clever line or two, hoping that I’d get a bite.
I remember one year when I sent out a handful of cards to a some ‘possibilities’ and one expensive bunch of roses to someone who I desperatley wanted to notice me. The result? I heard through her sister that she was mad at me because I hadn’t sent her anything; not even a card. (She knew I was interested but at that stage she wasn’t. Never the less she always expected me to send her a card.) “Where does she think the roses came from then?” I protested. I could have saved myself some money that year.
Then there was the lady who was convinced that I had delivered a cute teddy bear and some chocolates to the door of her flat early one Valentine’s Day morning. I kept trying to tell her that they weren’t from me but she was convinced. I felt sorry for whoever it was that had sent them. I knew what it felt like to send something anonymously and have the recipient think it came from someone else.
Thankfully I don’t have to play those games any more. I met Pauline in the January of 1992, we started a relationship a couple of months later (I don’t know why it took me that long) and got married in December 1992. “Say I do in ’92” was my motto.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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My husband and I celebrate the day on the 15th – we have a tradition of going to the stores and buying each other a ton of chocolote because it’s waaaaayayyyyyyyy cheaper! And as odd as it is, we both really look forward to doing that together. Because to us, everyday is Valentines day!
In fact, my husband sends me a love card every week and I think I probably have close to 200 hundred of them. We also got married in 92, so it’s great!
What a lovely post – Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your lady