On your bike

Talk about good timing. We’ve just had Bikeweek in Western Australia, which is a week promoting cycling. It was capped off by around 7000 people cycling up the freeway on Sunday. The freeway was closed to traffic for a few hours while people cycled around 30 km from Belmont to Joondalup. The Freeway Bike Hike raised money for Asthma research.

Now the price of petrol is surging again.

I wonder how many of those who pulled their old treadlies out of the shed and put air in the tyres for the first time in years just to take part in a Bikeweek event are now looking at the price at local petrol stations and deciding to keep riding. Some commentators are saying that the days of petrol being under a dollar a litre in Australia are well and truly over.

New bicycles in Australia continue to outsell new cars and I can’t see that trend turning around any time soon.

I must admit that I get a feeling of great satisfaction every time I cycle past a petrol station, knowing that my fuel is a lot cheaper and healthier than what they’re offering.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • That must hurt your taxi business a lot, Joann.

    I’m sure that you just have to walk a balance between what extra costs you will absorb and what you need to pass on to your customers.

  • Rodney,

    I mentioned on my site how my office is moving from 60miles to 10 miles from my house. I very much look forward to commuting to work on my bike. In West Texas, though, there isn’t enough crowding to warrant people to move to bikes. Our gas is about the lowest in the nation also. At least I’ll have a chance to do my part.

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