Perth is a dry place and it seems to be becoming dryer. We are on water restrictions all year round. There are only two days a week that we can use a sprinkler to water our gardens and even then it must be before 9:00 am or after 6:00 pm. It works on a roster system based on our house numbers.
Last night, before heading to bed, there were brilliant flashes of lightning lighting up the sky all around. This went on for some time until finally rain started to fall. I love going to sleep to the sound of rain and so it was a wonderful day to end our Easter celebrations. Rain brings new life and so it was very fitting.
I woke quite early this morning; just after 5:00 am. I heard the rain on the roof again and felt good about being there, safe in bed. It certainly wasn’t like a rainy winter’s morning where you are tucked into bed with the blankets keeping you warm. It’s been rather hot and humid in Perth recently and so I was just covered by a sheet.
The sound of the rain continued for at least three quarters of an hour until I drifted off to sleep for another hour or so before waking up again and getting out of bed. I can’t remember the last time we had such a good supply of consistent rain. It was wonderful.
Now as I look out the window, everything looks fresh and new. We’re supposed to be having a family picnic today and the way it’s looking, it might just fine up by lunchtime so that we can do just that.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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