It happens this Friday.
Tech Zone is a new on-air segment that will commence this Friday just after 10:00am on 98.5 Sonshine FM. Each Friday morning I’ll be chatting to David Cook about new technology.
The segment will not only look at computers but at all kinds of new technology and how it impacts our lives. As with my other regular guests, we will take talk back callers. This is where you come in.
During our segment this week we will be looking at blogging. We’d love to talk to you about your blogging experience. Even if you don’t have a blog you can tell us why you read blogs. During the programme we will ask for listener input. That’s your cue. Just give us a call and let’s chat.
David has previously worked at 98.5 Sonshine FM as both an announcer and a journalist. He now works for an international computer company. I’m sure that David’s laid back style, sense of humour, and his vast knowledge of technology will make the programme a winner.
Tech Zone already has its own place on the 98.5 Sonshine FM website. Just follow the link on the front page and you can read a little about the programme and check out the subjects for coming weeks. You can also ask questions directly from the webpage if you’d prefer not to talk on-air.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Hi Rodney, long time no see! How’s it going over there in Perth? In reference to the original topic, I’m unlikely to be in a position to call the program, but if you want my take on blogs, I seem to be using mine as a way of sharing some of the things I experience with the rest of the world.
One unexpected benefit from this is in the sheer number of pictures I’ve uploaded — things on my travels that I might not have noticed before, and I’ve been able to see the beauty in them. This was something I hadn’t even thought of when I started blogging.
Hey Chris – So good to hear from you. I’ve just subscribed to your blog so that I can stay up to date with your cycling adventures.
I’ll certainly try to remember to mention your comments on-air on Friday.