I've been tagged

As you may have noticed in the comments section of my previous post, I’ve just been tagged by Rachel from Life Being Beautiful. (Thanks Rachel).

It’s part of a new meme that is travelling through the blogosphere. The idea is if you’re tagged, you need to choose 5 (or more if you like) occupations from the list below and then finish the sentence for each that you’ve chosen.

You then tag three more people who must do the same. You can add more occupations to the list when you pass it on but you must choose your 5 from the list provided by the person who tagged you. The occupations in red at the bottom of the list are the ones I’ve added. You’re also asked to trackback to the blogger who tagged you if you know how. The meme was started by Ogre so it’d be great to provide a trackback to this post on his blog too.

If I could be a scientist…
If I could be a farmer…
If I could be a musician…
If I could be a doctor…
If I could be a painter…
If I could be a gardener…
If I could be a missionary…
If I could be a chef…
If I could be an architect…
If I could be a linguist…
If I could be a psychologist…
If I could be a librarian…
If I could be an athlete…
If I could be a lawyer…
If I could be an innkeeper…
If I could be a professor…
If I could be a writer…
If I could be a llama-rider…
If I could be a bonnie pirate…
If I could be a service member…
If I could be a photographer…
If I could be a philanthropist…
If I could be a rap artist…
If I could be a child actor…
If I could be a secret agent…
If I could be a comedian/comedienne…
If I could be a priest…
If I could be a radio announcer…
If I could be a phlebotomist…

My five are below.

If I could be a gardener my back yard wouldn’t look like it does.

If I could be a psychologist I would have a lot of fun messing with people’s minds.

If I could be an athlete I would be one of the world’s greatest cyclists and be the first Australian to win the Tour de France.

If I could be a writer I might be able to lure a few more people into reading my blog.

If I could be a photographer I could justify buying the camera that I want but can’t afford.

If I could be a secret agent I would make my 6 year old son very proud of me.

I tag Peter, Cindy and Jim.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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