It must be getting closer to school holidays. Emily and James came home with their school reports yesterday.
I wish I had school reports like the ones they brought home back when I was in school. Both of them have done very well for the first term of 2005.
One of the interesting things is seeing their response when they’re told how well they’ve done. While James still needs a bit of an explanation of what the report actually says, Emily is more than old enough to see that she’s got ticks in the number one box – for everything – yet again. She must know that reports don’t come any better than that, and yet her face still lights up when she hears Pauline or me telling her how well she’s done.
James is the same. I sat down and explained every area of his report to him last night, and then told him how proud we are at how well he’s done. I’m sure his smile was wider than his face and his eyes lit up like firecrackers.
I suppose it’s one thing to know that you’ve done well – it’s another thing entirely to know that you have the approval of those you love. I’m sure that the knowledge that someone you love approves of you and your achievements is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Conversely, not having that assurance can be one of the most destructive forces known to mankind.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Rodney, you’re so right that our kids so desperately desire our approval as well as our love. Lizzy is almost 13 and still beams when she brings home good grades and watches our reaction when we see her report. When she recently competed in dramatic speech and didn’t do too well, she was so relieved when her dad and I praised her for working hard to get as far as she did. NOW, if she’d just keep her room clean!
Finding the secret to getting kids to keep rooms clean is one of the ancient, unknowable mysteries.
I reckon that anyone who came up with a guaranteed way of getting kids to tidy up would be worth a fortune. 🙂