Visiting the past

We were at Serpentine Baptist Campsite on Saturday night which is where I spent an awful lot of my time from the age of about 12 until somewhere in my mid 20s. It’s changed quite a bit from those days but there’s still a lot about the place that is just the same as it was all those years ago.

It was the place where I learnt a lot of early life lessons and the place where I was first able to step up into a variety of leadership roles. It was where I met some of my closest and dearest friends. The campsite is also the place where my interest in spirituality and issues of faith were able to grow and develop. At the same time I was developing some early crushes, falling in and out of love and learning about heartbreak.

It was wonderful to reminisce as I looked around and remembered how things were and remembering some of the people that made that time in my life what it was.

As terrific as it all was back in those days, the most wonderful thing was realising just how good the days are now. Even looking at those times through the rose coloured glasses of time, they just don’t compare to my life today with a marvelous wife and two incredible kids.

There is something very liberating about realising that, despite any struggles that you are facing at the time, you are just where you need to be.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • There’s a camp like that which holds many special memories for me too. I spent many summers there as a camper and then a staffer. Then, my guy and I got married there. All our guests came and stayed for the weekend in the cabins. Ours was the first wedding in the new chapel.

    A lot of water under the bridge since those days! But while packing boxes this morning, getting ready for our move, I came across my old scrapbooks of the wedding weekend.

    That was my little trip down memory lane today.

  • “There is something very liberating about realising that, despite any struggles that you are facing at the time, you are just where you need to be.”

    Hear, hear! My wife and I have recently had the “bittersweet” joy of just such a realization.

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