In case you were wondering, Pauline and the kids made it home safely from Rottnest.
Their ferry was delayed by about half an hour due to the rough seas but they eventually got moving and had a reasonable trip home. Pauline said it seemed no rougher than some other trips she’s been on. No one was sick which was a real bonus.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Glad you all made it home safe and sound. I was wondering about that when I heard about that mini-tornado at Bunbury(?) — did you get any weather off that at all?
Hey Chris. It got pretty blowy here overnight. It was wild when I got up this morning but still managed to ride to work. 🙂
Rottnest had the strongest winds but little damage.
Bicton, the suburb where Pauline grew up, had a tornado blow through. The primary school she went to was badly affected. Some rooms were demolished and the school isn’t expected to re-open for weeks.
Bunbury, a couple of hours south of Perth, certainly got hit in a big way, but sections of the Perth metro area were hit hard too.