Smiling while driving

A recent survey says that the most cheerful driver on British roads is likely to be female, aged 24 or less and driving a green Volkswagen Beetle. Young women drivers in Britain recorded the highest smiles-per-hour ratio, with drivers aged 66 or more proving to be the most stern-faced behind the wheel.

The survey showed that those with green cars smile the most, while those with lilac and yellow cars smile the least. Playing reggae, 60s and 70s oldies, and 70s west coast rock was most likely to bring a smile to drivers’ faces.

Cars which appeared to have happy faces on their bonnets such as the Beetle and the new Mini enhanced drivers’ moods.

The journey that makes motorists smile the most is the one home on a Friday night.

Women 17-24 years of age smiled the most at the wheel; on average once every two minutes.

I wonder what a similar survey around Perth would turn up. I certainly see a lot of grumpy motorists on the roads.

I reckon if they extended such a survey to include all road users you’d find that those smiling the most would be cyclists enjoying their ride. Although we can’t afford to smile too widely. I just hate it when bugs get stuck in my teeth.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Good post, and thanks for the input…I will blogroll you and check in every so often–My best guess is that the 17-24 kids smile most because they still have 50-60 years of gas left in the tank…

  • I try to see the humorous side of life on the streets. It is the old smile to keep from crying thing. Great I have a yellow car. I’ll have to smile even more.

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