Margaret left me a comment on my recent post about my job. I thought her questions needed a wider audience. (Make sure you drop int and visit Margaret’s blog to say hello.)
Thanks for coming by my blog… strange new thing for me.. this blogging thing.. anyway, it’s so wonderfully refreshing to hear that you love your job! Why do you think more people don’t pursue a job they’d love? Money, courage, passion…. what stops people from doing what they’re called and created to do? Any thoughts?
I think that she’s on the right track with some of her suggestions. What do you think? Why do people settle for jobs that don’t really thrill them?
Years ago there was a lot of talk about job satisfaction. Then there were many years of high unemployment and less talk about job satisfaction. People were encouraged to get whatever job they could and that was enough. Thankfully, in Australia at least, employment opportunities are much better now.
Are you in a job that you enjoy? If you could do anything you wanted for work, what would you be doing? What’s stopping you from moving towards that goal? What do you think stops other people from pursuing a job they love? Let’s get some conversation going.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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I love my job too. I love being able to represent a mission. In my experience I’ve found that when you are doing something which has ‘eternal’ consequenses the job is much more enjoyable.
Well seeing as I couldn’t get a job in my field in Perth, which is considered high paying, I’m certainly a lot happier earning a fraction of what I did doing something completely different.
I would have to agree. When you’re happy at work, it makes a HUGE difference. I find it much more rewarding than money as I get something much more valuable out of it; satisfaction.
I’m not sure why people settle. I suppose a variety of reasons such as money, motivation, thinking about others before themselves, REALITY.
A big one for me is location. I’m settling for my job because I’m stuck in Perth till the end of the year.
I love the industry I work in. But I don’t love and live and breath my current job. I suppose I see it as a stepping stone to get to the job I really want. I’m young and I feel that by doing this job now, it’ll take me to a brighter job in the near future.
I think you have to work hard to make a living out of something you’re really passionate about. So at this point in my life, I’m doing the hard slog to get me somewhere later.
After 7 years in the investment industry, I took a job as a receptionist. I took a huge pay cut, but it has been worth it because I don’t have the stress I had dealing with the stock market. When it’s 5:00, I go home and forget about work, and get to be mommy.
My true passion, though, is archaeology. I didn’t pursue this when I went to college because girls from tiny little farm towns just didn’t. A couple of years ago, when I got out of the investment business, I decided to go for it. I would have to have a PhD in archaeology to make what I make now as a receptionist. So, needless to say, it will remain a hobby rather than a profession!
Wow, does this subject ever speak to me!
I’m not sure what my dream job would be. I can think of several I would like. But it still boils down to a responsibility, an obligation. So I’ve adjusted my attitude to not live to work, but work to live.
I once asked a new friend where he worked, and he happily responded: “Oh, I stopped working years ago. I have a *job* now.”. He explained that he got such job satifaction from doing a good *job*, that the hours he put in didn’t seem like work any more. I’ve tried to apply that to my own situation, ever since.
It’s all about attitude, I suppose. I’ve worked in some places. In others, I had jobs to do.