Life is back in full swing after a busy long weekend. I still had to work yesterday morning but I had the afternoon off.
Just after I got home yesterday the rain began and hasn’t stopped much since.
I’m quite enjoying the wet. I was a little soggy by the time I got here this morning after a wonderful ride in the rain. My fluorescent rain jacket helped with visibility and kept me reasonably dry but my shoes and cycling shorts will take a while to dry out.
Just as in a car I had to remember that my bike brakes would take longer to work. Apart from that, it was business as usual – just a lot more fun. With a hot shower and a change clothes I’m ready for buiness.
When was the last time you got the chance to play in the rain? Especially on a work day.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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We aren’t supposed to have rain here in California in June. Up in northern Calif. where my mom lives it is raining today so no BBQ for her. It might rain here in San Jose later this week.
i’m just glad that its starting to behave like winter. i prefer cold weather to hot.
i was walking through king’s park with my girlfriend last night, there was a light drizzle. along with the western power lighting, it was quite romantic.