What are you like at suspending your disbelief? It’s the process we all go through when watching a movie. We know that what’s up on the big screen isn’t real yet we’re willing to go along with it for the sake of enjoying the story. I often have trouble in this regard.
We went and saw the new Herbie movie last night. It was great fun. The strange thing was when Lindsay Lohan’s character first started driving Herbie, the car took over and started steering all over the place. Lindsay seemed a bit surprised but she was still prepared to get back in the car again. I thought to myself, if a car started doing that I’d get out and walk. I found it a little far fetched to believe that she wasn’t more shocked.
Then I thought I should get a grip on myself. I was prepared to believe that a car could control itself, that it could see, think, that it had emotions but I found it difficult to come to terms with the reactions of one of the film’s human characters.
I also had trouble later in the film when they let a 1963 beetle enter a NASCAR race. I wondered how they would let a vehicle like that enter such an event. Again, no problem with a 42 year old car with a life of its own, just a worry about NASCAR regulations.
Maybe my imagination needs a little more work.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Rodney you need to get a grip, or get loose. It’s only a movie. Although I have driven some odd cars. ha-ha!
You’re right Joann. Although, can you tell me – do you talk to your taxi? 🙂
Rodney, I have similar problems. Take, for instance, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I swallow the whole movie until one particular point. It’s where Indy has fought the priest guy on the busted bridge, you know where they are all dangling over the gorge. Indy wins and climbs up the bridge like a ladder. Just as he gets his grip on the last few planks at the top, he stops and laughs. There’s no way anyone would stop to laugh right there. Anybody with sense would get both feet on solid ground first.
I feel ya, man.
It was all I could do to top yelling out “PUNCHBUGGY WHITE!” and laying into the person next to me.
That’s easy — just imagine the car was a shopping trolley. They go where they want to go. 🙂
My husband and I watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith the other night and the wonderfully light entertainment was refreshing… what was amazing was that as far-fetched, okay ridiculous as it was, it still managed to suspend my disbelief throughout the whole thing… it’s a fun, fully entertaining movie…