It was pretty wild on the bike this morning. A strong front is crossing the coast this morning and while I missed the full force of it, I did have to battle a strong and gusty wind all the way to work. There’s the possibility of thunderstorms and even hail later today.
At one stage on my way to work a leaf was being blown directly towards my head. Once it got within a couple of metres of me it chucked a sharp right turn and blew just as hard in it’s new direction. As you can imagine, that kind of wind gust isn’t always helpful on a bike.
I made it to work alive – a little windswept – but alive.
I wonder what the journey home will be like.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Perhaps you could now say that you are windswept and interesting, as Billy Connolly would say.
Bruce, after those two days cycling in Victoria in 2003, I think I can cycle through anything.
careful out there!
The high plains of Texas are very windy. It’s not unusual to see 70mph winds in the spring. I feel your pain.