Rapid ageing

25 years ago this Friday, I celebrated my 17th birthday by passing my driving test and gaining my drivers license.

Today I had to pay for the renewal of my license for the next 5 years. I went to the Post Office, paid the lady the money and she took my photo. My new license should find its way to my letterbox within the next couple of weeks.

At the moment, the picture on my license makes me look about 5 years younger than I am. It does that because the photo was taken 5 years ago when I last renewed my license. Very soon, my license photo will jump forward 5 years all at once. No gradual ageing, just a 5 year jump overnight. I will no longer look like a man in his 30s, I will look like a man in his 40s.

Of course I shouldn’t complain too much. My Passport photo still has a few years to run. But then it gets a whole lot worse. When I update my passport I’ll age 10 years all at once.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Rodney,

    In Texas, you can renew your license online two times before you have to go in and get a new picture. My license still has a picture of me from my second year of college. Nearly ten years ago.

  • fellow july baby, as per your advice, let me assure you that getting older by a year isn’t that bad πŸ™‚

    oh, and when i next renew my passport, I will age 15 years…I still have a photo taken when I was 12 on my passport!

  • That’s why I get mine done every year…oh that, and because I never have enough money saved to pay for more than one year!

    (and they give you your new licence when you renew it – after waiting in line for 30 minutes to get to the counter, it only takes a further 15, and it’s all done, new licence in hand!)

  • Oh my gosh! This JUST happened to me. My license photo from 5 years ago was great. Hair was good. Makeup good. No glare on the glasses. Nice smile. (Could be because I’d just gotten married!) Two weeks ago, I had to get my license renewed, and let me tell you – the new picture sucks! I’m thinking of cutting the picture off the old license and hot glueing it to my new one. Is that illegal? Happy birthday, btw.

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