When I visited India in 2003 I had no real idea that I would get to visit again in 2005. It was definitely part of our original planning but it just didn’t feel real, yet it happened. It was bigger and better than I could have hoped it to be.
The thought of visiting India for a 3rd time seems very unlikely to me right now yet I’m starting to get very excited at the possibilities.
The Bible Society in India has some big celebrations planned for 2010. I’d love to be there.
As well as supporting the Bible Society I’d love to be able to help in other ways while there. There are many orphanages in India that could do with a hand. There are other ways to help combat poverty and I’d like to be a part of that.
I’d also like to take my family. I want our kids to see how 90% of the world lives so that they know just how good we’ve got it but more importantly so that they realise the responsibility we have to be part of the solution to poverty in our world. I don’t know if that will be possible but that’s my thinking at the moment.
A few friends have already expressed an interest in being in India in 2010. What about you?
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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I would love to go. Your passion for India and it’s people has encouraged me and I would love to see it first hand and help in any way I can. Margaret
Assuming I have a bike by then, I’d love to go!
Any idea how long the trip will be?
Seriously, it’s a great ministry and I would love to be a part of that!!