Just a quick note on audio posts. I’ve noticed a lot more audio posts on blogs recently and I think they are a wonderful idea. I love the ability to hear the voices of those people that I regularly read. It adds a new dimension to the ‘cyber friendship’.
However, I just want to drop a hint or two. Please plan what you’re going to say. Maybe it’s because I work in radio that it pushes my buttons but please think it through.
In a regular post, you sit and type, correct, re-type, add some more, take some away, rephrase something, re-read, re-adjust and so on until it’s ready to post. It seems the same isn’t yet so for audio posts. As someone who prepares dozens of ‘audio messages’ each time I do an airshift, let me assure you that it’s not as easy as turning on a microphone.
I know that my listeners will only stay tuned to me as long as what I’m saying interests them. It’s even the same for regular blog posts. Most of my readers won’t read this far into this post because the subject matter doesn’t interest them.
If your audio post goes over a minute, it’d better be fascinating. I’ve listened to the start of some posts that go for around 7 minutes or more. I’m sorry, I didn’t get past 3 minutes. It was interesting but not interesting enough to keep me listening. Of course on the other hand, if it is truly interesting enough to sustain 7 or even 10 minutes, you’ll have me there right until the end.
I want to listen to more audio posts. I want to hear your voice. But keep in mind that if what you have to say isn’t important enough to plan out and say succinctly, then it’s probably not important enough for me to listen to all the way through.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Good advise, Rodney. But this holds true not just with audio but with written posts as well. Blogging definitely is fast becoming a new medium that demonstates just how much we are language animals. If you take the time to think out what is you’re trying to say and make the effort to say it well, people will take the time to read or listen to what you have to say.