Latham's bitter book

Details of Mark Latham’s ‘tell all’ book are all over the media like a rash today. I’m sure we’ll be hearing about his revelations for a while to come.

It seems that he takes a huge swipe at the ALP, the party he tried to take to power at the last federal election, and everyone in it.

He pays out very severely on the man who took the helm of the party after the election loss, Kim Beazley. Beazley is painted as a rather nasty, self-serving and manipulative man who has serious health concerns.

A short media statement on the ALP website gives Beazley’s reply to the book.

“These allegations are untrue.

I was invited onto Mark’s front bench straight after the ballot and again during the election campaign.

At the end of the leadership ballot Mark thanked me for a clean campaign.

These allegations are sad and fanciful.

The Labor Party has moved on from all of this and is focused on the issues that matter to the Australian people: such as skills, infrastructure, Telstra, foreign debt and industrial relations.”

I wouldn’t ask someone who has just been through a bitter, hateful divorce to give a character reference for their ex-partner. I already know what they will say and that it won’t be a glowing endorsement. In the same way I wouldn’t ask Mark Latham for a true picture of what the ALP is all about.

While there may be elements of truth in some of the things he says, his bitterness means that nothing he has written can be taken as read. How can anyone trust the word of someone who. before the election, was telling us that the ALP was the only way forward and immediately after it was telling anyone who would listen that it is a spent force?

I won’t be buying the book. I won’t be watching Latham on Enough Rope. I won’t be following the ongoing saga. He’s had his time and now it’s time to move on.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • “childish tantrums” just about sums it up. From personal experience, when you feel hard done by, (it doesn’t matter if you were in the right or in the wrong), it’s very easy to get bitter and spray your venom…however I’ve learnt that it takes a stronger person to forgive, speak good, and get on with life…

  • Did you see that picture on the front of the Herald?
    He totally looks like a toothless redneck, prone to screaming abuse at passers-by.

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