
What is it with guys and handbags? It seems that most guys just aren’t comfortable enough with their own masculinity to hold a handbag by handles.

We were at a kids play centre today and while the kids were off exploring new worlds, we sat around having a coffee.

I looked across to another table at one stage and noticed a very big, beefy, bloke dressed in black jeans, a black shirt and some very tough looking boots. He was sitting alone holding a pink handbag.

I figured straight away that the bag was unlikely to be his.

He stood up and started heading across the room towards a young girl who was very likely to be his daughter and the owner of the pink handbag. He had been minding her precious belongings like a good dad should.

The interesting thing was, that rather than holding the bag by its conveniently placed handles, he grasped it from underneath the body of the small bag. His hands were so big that they almost completely enveloped the bag. I had to smile. That’s the classic ‘man holding a handbag’ carrying position. It’s designed to say, “This isn’t mine; I’m carrying it for someone. In fact I’m so masculine that I don’t even know how to hold one of these properly.”

What is it with us guys that we refuse to hold a handbag the proper way? For those of us who are married, why do we feel so uncomfortable if we have to carry a handbag for our wife from one side of a room to another? We know that it doesn’t make us any less masculine to carry a handbag by the handles yet we still refuse.

Our wives don’t have a problem carrying our manly wallets do they? So why should we be threatened by a small piece of fashionable luggage?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Same goes for men buying, um, well let’s say there’s things that men buy at chemists, right? and then there’s things that women buy at chemists, right? And when men buy women’s things at chemists, well *obviously* it’s not for them. Except my husband Bill, he reckons they’re great for nosebleeds…er…

    >takes discussion elsewhere

  • This is an awesome entry. My fiancé also looks wierd when I have to use both my arms – resulting in him having to hold my handbag for a moment – he almost looks like he is going to climb it 🙂 This post made me vote for you at BotB – ! Great writing – and pure fun.

  • I always carry my girl’s things, handbag included. I would rather look confident and gentlemannish that embarassed anyday.
    I don’t find myself worrying about men’s opinions, and I doubt women think anything but ‘how sweet.’
    Its like asking a question that no-one else is game to ask for fear of being seen as stupid.
    Masculinity be damned.

  • Funny post. I used to struggle with the bag holding, but I think marriage is starting to lessen my insecurities. Plus it’s a small price to pay for the amount of times I find myself putting my wallet, phone etc in Hannah’s bag!

  • He wouldn’t have felt out of place here in Korea. Some of the younger men carry ‘man-bags’ and while its practical it still looks, well… poofy. Sorry, there’s just no other way to put it.

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