Last night was T night at school. It was an opportunity for all the kids in the school to create a project related to the letter T.
We wandered through all the classrooms looking at the many wonderful and creative items that the kids had produced. There were tsunamis, tiramisus, telescopes, tarantulas and a whole lot more.
It wasn’t a school project as such. All the work was done at home so it was a surprise for everyone to see each others’ efforts.
Emily created a terrarium with an old aquarium and a few plants. James made Leonardo, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, out of an old piñata, some green tights, glue, sticky tape and a few other bits and pieces. In both cases they got some essential help from Pauline.
So how was the T night overall? Terrific. Tremendous.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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