The Grand Finale

One of the highlights of a day at the Perth Royal Show is the fireworks spectacular in the evening. As the pre-fireworks entertainment got underway last night we bought some dinner at hugely inflated prices and sat down to enjoy the spectacle. The Midland Brick Brass played a few well known tunes. We know one of the guys in the band so we were very generous in our applause.

Then came the motorbike stuntman who did all kinds of tricks including climbing a ladder on top of the bike while still riding and jumping the bike over a helicopter with its rotors operating.

The Holden Stormriders came out and narrowly missed each other during their precision driving display. I certainly wouldn’t wish any harm to come to any of the drivers but it would be nice to see them get it wrong and turn their display into a smash up derby.

Then, before the fireworks kicked off, out came the Ford and Holden monster trucks to crush half a dozen cars. They were big, very loud and they certainly punished the old cars they drove over. Maybe they could do a deal with the Holden Stormriders. It’d be nice to see the red and white utes become a little more compact.

Finally we watched the fireworks. A great way to cap off a big day.

Pauline and the kids had been there all day with my sister and all of them were fairly well wrecked by the end of the day. They’d been all over the show a few times, enjoyed heaps of free stuff and spent some money on a few show bags and other bits and pieces.

We love the show but I’m so glad it’s only once a year.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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