I’ve mentioned before that I have a bit of a problem with heights. I also mentioned that I’m trying to overcome that fear. If I’m in a place where I would normally be somewhat concerned I rationally look at the situation, convince myself that it’s perfectly safe and then carry on despite the terror.
It seems to be working at least a little. I was watching telly last night and saw the new attraction on the other side of Australia at Sydney Tower called the Sydney Tower Skywalk. You get to walk around a specially built platform 260 metres above the ground on the outside of the tower while strapped to a special safety harness.
Normally I’d have to catch my breath and look away even seeing something like that on TV but last night I was thinking how interesting it might be. Looking at it rationally, I know that it is completely safe and the walk is under the direction of trained staff. No problem. I was thinking that it would be a wonderful experience and reasonably priced at $109 for a couple of hours walking around up there.
If I was given the option of going on the Skywalk tomorrow I’d still refuse but give me another few years and it may even be something I’d consider. I don’t think I’d ever do it, but I’d consider it.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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I am also afraid of heights, and I am fairly sure that I would faint first.
I don’t suppose you saw the Mole last night? Two of the contestants were walking around the outside of the Sky Tower in Auckland which was stated as being the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. Gave me the heebeegeebees just watching it!
I did see bits of that and I was rather surprised at how little it affected me. Normally anything like that would have me closing my eyes and hoping it would go away.
Spring and summer? It is so strange to even think that your weather is the opposite of mine, because Soon we will be preparing for snow.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to hear from you again.
Awesome! That is my kind of adventure.