Let's celebrate

Another anniversary has rolled around and today marks two years since I started blogging. My first post to The Journey was on Monday the 3rd of November 2003.

There are so many people to thank that itโ€™s hard to know where to start.

Whether youโ€™ve visited the blog on a regular basis, dropped in from time to time, or even just once, I want to thank you for helping to shape The Journey over the past 24 months.

In the last 2 years the blog has clocked up over 1060 posts and over 2300 comments. The site has received over 36 000 hits since it started. I know that many blogs receive that many hits before breakfast each day but Iโ€™m more than happy to be writing for the small but dedicated group of regulars who drop in to see what I have to offer and to help develop the sense of community that has built up.

Thank you to those visitors who keep your own blogs. You provide me with great reading and often inspiration. Many of the blogs I enjoy regularly are listed on The Journey. Thank you especially to the very kind people who have added me to their own blogrolls.

Please remember that you are always welcome to drop in to The Journey to leave comments or just to browse. I also welcome fellow bloggers creating links to posts I’ve written.

Please feel free to add me to your instant messaging service if you use any of the following.

AIM – journeyblog
ICQ – 54461629
MSN – oz_cyclist@hotmail.com
SKYPE – RodneyOlsen
YAHOO – journeyblog

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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