Another anniversary has rolled around and today marks two years since I started blogging. My first post to The Journey was on Monday the 3rd of November 2003.
There are so many people to thank that itโs hard to know where to start.
Whether youโve visited the blog on a regular basis, dropped in from time to time, or even just once, I want to thank you for helping to shape The Journey over the past 24 months.
In the last 2 years the blog has clocked up over 1060 posts and over 2300 comments. The site has received over 36 000 hits since it started. I know that many blogs receive that many hits before breakfast each day but Iโm more than happy to be writing for the small but dedicated group of regulars who drop in to see what I have to offer and to help develop the sense of community that has built up.
Thank you to those visitors who keep your own blogs. You provide me with great reading and often inspiration. Many of the blogs I enjoy regularly are listed on The Journey. Thank you especially to the very kind people who have added me to their own blogrolls.
Please remember that you are always welcome to drop in to The Journey to leave comments or just to browse. I also welcome fellow bloggers creating links to posts I’ve written.
Please feel free to add me to your instant messaging service if you use any of the following.
AIM – journeyblog
ICQ – 54461629
SKYPE – RodneyOlsen
YAHOO – journeyblog
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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yay i’m first! i just got your email so i hopped right on to your blog. i’ve been hooked ever since your blog on broken people.
happy anniversary! keep ’em blog posts comin! =)
Congrats… Keep on truckin’. ๐
Thank you for a wonderful 2 years of blogging!
Congrats on the 2 years. It isn’t the quantity of hits that matters – it’s the quality.
Keep writing
I’ve enjoyed popping in to your site over the past year. Keep it up! ๐
And, Congratulations!
Congrats, Rodney! Looks like you started blogging just shortly after I did. I’ve enjoyed your blog for a long time now. I feel a kinship as we’re both radio people, and I’ve always yearned to visit Australia. Thanks for being a blessing!
YIPPEEEEEE! What a great reason to celebrate. Congrats, Rodney on 2 fine years. Thanks so much for keeping up your blog. Two years flies by, doesn’t it! Here’s to another fine year of writing!
Two years? That’s like 14 in internet-years (maybe I’m confused with dog-years). Congratulations and keep the posts coming!
Great writing Rodney.
Keep up the good work.
My friend is also celebrating her 2
years of Talk Radio.Come and read
what I posted about it on my blog
(if you have time).
wow … where does the time go?
i’ve almost “known” you for a year … during our 40 below winter, i delighted in your Aussie weather and your stories about biking to work, biking in India … and through all your posts, love for God & your family have come shining through …
Blessings on the year to come!
Yay! Congratulations, keep blogging cause we love reading! *Hugs*
Wow, 2 years!! Congratulations!!!
CONGRATS RODNEY! A great achievement. Keep up the good work… you inspire me to keep going.
Well done Rodney. Thanks for the Westy perspective. I’ll have to come and visit sometime.
Happy Blogday!
Happy 2nd Anniversary Rodney! Good onya. ๐ Keep it up mate!
Happy blogiversary. May there be many more!!
Wicked! 2 good years of blogging too. Congrats:)
Happy two years, Rodney!
Keep up the good work and don’t worry, you’ll get the next pillow fight or whatever they decide to do next ๐
Yay Rodney!! Thanks for 2 years of an inspiring blog! Keep posting, cycling, and praying!
Hey, just came across your blog. Very cool reading. Congrats on hitting the two year mark. Someday I’ll get there
Thank you to everyone who has left comments today. It’s always good to know that there’s someone out there reading what I have to say. ๐
You have all been so generous with your comments. Thanks.
I don’t always write comments, but I really enjoy your articles. Many are thought provoking, some are funny, and some are just warped (but you do come from a warped family). I like them all and look forward to reading each article. You encourage me to think and I’m proud to be related to you. Congratulations!! from Margaret Olsen
Congratulations on making the two years, it’s always an interesting read.
Congratulations on your two year milestone. That is serious longevity in the world of blogging. Hope I make it as far.
Two years, very impressive. I can’t ever seem to make it past the two-month mark…
Congratulations, Rodney! That’s quite a milestone. And thank you for blessing me every day.
Congratulations, may you have many more good blogging years!
Health to thee, old blogger-tree,
um, okay, I couldn’t come up with anything really good past that first line, but felt that some sort of incantation was in order. Best regards, and may all your journeys never end. Unless you want them to.
Congratulations on 2 yrs of The Journey. I’m trying to get the same sort of thing happening with my blog. Look forward to being a regular blogger with you.
Thank you Rodney for the last two years. I enjoy dropping into your blog every now and then for a little light relief and some thought provoking posts.