Keasty's question

Yesterday I was talking about the deep sadness I feel when I hear of couples separating or divorcing. I just wish that I could do something that would make everything alright for them but I know that life’s not like that. There have been a few good comments left at that post. Thanks to those who responded.

Keasty from Gra Nomad Wanderings has decided to ask a different question each month to get some discussion started. Being a retired school teacher and principal I suppose he finds it almost impossible not to ask questions. He’s begun an interesting conversation about what keeps couples together. Considering he’s been married to his wife, Fay, for 38 years, I guess he may have a few pointers for the rest of us.

(Keasty was part of the team of cyclists that I rode with on my trip from Perth to Hobart in 2003. Keasty came as far as Adelaide with us and then joined another team which cycled to Sydney.)

He has posed the simple question, “What helps couples hang in there?”

There have been a few good comments already but it would be wonderful to see a few more people putting their ideas into the conversation.

Are you married? Have you been married long? What has kept you together? Maybe marriage didn’t work out for you or you’ve decided against marriage to this point. I’m sure that Keasty would appreciate your input whatever your perspective. Just click here to read his full post.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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1 Comment

  • is the 1st day of finding your blog. I haven’t scrolled through it all the way yet, but I have every intension of doing just that. I wanted to stop by here after seeing you on my Frappr Map. Thanks for stopping by. I see that you know Keasty and I’m assuming that’s how you found my blog. I wanted to thank you for stopping by. I hope I never offend anyone by my rantings and venting from time to time….but I just write how I feel most of the time and when I’m not in the mood, I usually just post goofy stuff. I do hope you’ll stop by again as I intend to stop by here again. So far by looking, it appears to me that I could very well find something extremely useful for me here in your blog.

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