I tamed the wilderness yesterday afternoon. Our front and back lawns have been growing very well and were starting to look a little wild. I fired up the mower and sorted it all out.
I’m sure our mower is the one that Adam used to keep the Garden of Eden in order. It’s very old but it certainly does the job. The lawn now looks wonderful. The mower was given to us some time back.
After many years of using lawn mowing contractors I’m now able to cut the lawn how we want it. The guys that have done the job in the past have never been able to undersand that we don’t want a lawn that is scalped every month. They seem to want to cut it so low that it spends the next month trying to recover, only to be scalped again. We’ve been told that it will end up being springy and we say, “YES, that’s what we want.” They have grudgingly agreed to raise their mowers by a millimetre or two but the lawn has still suffered, especially in the Summer heat.
I must admit that I’m not a big fan of mowing. I don’t particularly enjoy pushing a noisy, smelly device backwards and forwards across our yard. However, I do enjoy the finished product. I’m always amazed at how our shabby grass turns into wonderful lawn. I suppose a lot of life is like that. We hate the process but we enjoy the ability to stand back and admire the end product.
Now all we need is the forecast rain to do its bit and give the garden a good watering.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Gardening – Lawn Mower – Lawn
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A lot of the time we don’t like the process because it’s painful and we’re not even sure exactly what the end product will look like.
I guess that’s one of the harder things about faith, trusting that everything really happens for a reason, in the moment, not just after it.