It wasn’t a candle lit dinner for two at a fancy restaurant but it was a nice way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I visited a local Chinese Restaurant and bought dinner for our family tonight. I got our food ‘take away’ and went home to share it with the people I love the most.
While I was waiting at the restaurant I glanced through the latest copy of Who Magazine. Amazingly it was the very latest edition. Don’t they know that waiting room magazines are meant to be at least 18 months old?
It’s been a long time since I’ve flicked through a Who. I imagine it’ll be a lot longer since I try it again. I didn’t think it was possible but it’s become even more trashy since I last looked at a copy.
The other thing that happened while I waited was a slight order mix up. It wasn’t my order that caused the mix up, it was a lady who came into the store a little later. She asked for the order she had rung through earlier. The waitress asked her phone number so she could locate the order. After a chick check she asked what the order was. The lady listed off the dishes she had ordered. Then came the bad news. They had no such order.
I began to suspect that I knew what was going on. The lady said she’d go out to her car to check the menu she used when she rang in the order. I knew at that point that she wouldn’t be returning. Somewhere, not too far away, there was another Chinese restaurant with a phone order sitting behind the desk, slowly going cold. How very embarrassing.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Valentine’s Day – Chinese Food – Chinese Restaurant
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