A familiar face

I watched the closing ceremony of the 19th Commonwealth Games this evening, live from Melbourne. I’m sure it was Melbourne because that seemed to be the most important aspect of the whole thing. It wasn’t about the athletes or Australia, it was just about Melbourne.

I was pleased to see a familiar face among the dignitaries on stage during the evening. A lady that I have met a couple of times now was there to represent Delhi and to receive the Commonwealth Games flag for the next games which wil be held in Delhi in 2010.

The Honorable Sheila Dikshit, the Chief Minister of Delhi, was guest of honour at the Peace Rally that was held at the end of my first Indian bike ride, from Agra to Delhi, in February 2003. The picture shows us together with a memento that she presented to me at that ceremony. (Click the photo for a better view.) She was also the guest of honour at the opening ceremony for our ride last year from Delhi to Chandigarh.

On both occasions I found her to be a wonderfully warm person and a great orator. She is Delhi’s first ever female Chief Minister and has been a keen advocate for women’s issues in India.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Hey Rodney, I’m in Melbourne and thought the closing ceremony was too Melbourne .. unless you were from Melbourne, there was heaps in it that wouldn’t be “got”, if you know what I mean. It should have been more Australian, rather than melbournian !!
    I think the Indian Commonwealth Games will be colorful and very, very interesting.
    take care, Meow

  • Rodney, can you leave a link (maybe you already have?) to your posts about India? I was “off the map” I think when you were away so I’ve missed out on why you went and what happened – all I’ve read about was your trip to the crazy sculpture place that you posted about several weeks ago.

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