If you’re a casual reader of my blog you’ll probably find this post a bit long, boring and maybe even self indulgent. You’re excused. Feel free to move on to the other posts and let this one slip past. I simply thought that I should give a bit of an update on health issues that I’m facing at the moment.
The cold that I picked up last week is almost gone. No problem. I had a very croaky voice on-air on Friday but I made it through. That’s not really what I want to talk about.
Of a little more concern is this stomach ulcer thing. You may remember that I mentioned a possible ulcer about 3 months ago. I thought I should update you of my progress so far.
Many weeks back I was prescribed some antibiotics to kill the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. I took the full course and was ready to live the rest of my life ulcer free. Unfortunately it didn’t work out that way. About a week after finishing the antibiotics and the rest of the tablets that go along with them, I woke in the middle of the night with all the same symptoms.
I headed back to the doctor. I was given some more tablets to sort out the acid in my tummy to give things a chance to settle for a couple of weeks. The plan was that I would finish the course and then see if the problem came back once I stopped the medication. It didn’t even wait until I finished. This ulcer just laughed at the medication that was supposed to be keeping it under control.
The doctor gave me a referral for an endoscopy. He told me that it may take about 7 or 8 weeks before I’d be able to have the procedure. That’s the price you pay for being part of the public health system. I’d be in a lot sooner if I was paying for private health insurance.
I sent the referral off and then waited for another couple of weeks. The paperwork finally arrived informing me that I have an appointment on the 6th of June. Just 3 more months … yippee.
In the mean time I have had a few more episodes. I’m still on medication to help things along but just over a week ago I had the most painful experience so far. I woke in pain about an hour and a half after going to bed. For the next hour and a quarter I was in the most excruciating pain I’ve ever experienced. Nothing I could do would ease it. I paced, I sat down, I stood up but nothing helped.
Finally it eased from excruciating to intense. Some time later I was able to head back to bed and get some sleep. I figured it was over for the night. A couple of hours later it all started again. Thankfully it wasn’t quite as nasty but I could have done without it. I finished up with just a few hours sleep all up and the pain stayed with me all day. I can assure you it was a lot of fun trying to sound cheery on the radio that morning.
I now have an unsettled feeling in my stomach most of the time and each night when I go to bed I wonder if I’ll get a full night’s sleep. The episodes seem to come every week or so. Sometimes I can go for a couple of weeks without too many problems.
The last time I was in hospital was in 1963 and seeing as that’s when I was being born, I don’t remember a lot about it. I’ve never had even a broken bone or anything that would mean that I would need to be admitted to hospital.
The paperwork I received for the endoscopy tells me that I’ll get an injection that will make me drowsy and disoriented. I’m also likely to have very little recollection of the hours surrounding the procedure. Excellent. Now that I’m officially freaked out please tell me the good news.
I’m looking forward to getting this thing sorted but I have to admit that I am not looking forward to going to hospital. I’m not looking forward to having a hose, complete with camera, shoved down my throat. I’m not looking forward to wearing one of those lovely hospital gowns. I’m not looking forward to handing control of my wellbeing over to some people I’ve never met. Yes I’m a wimp but knowing that doesn’t make it any easier.
One thing I know for sure is that I will not let this or any other health issue stop me from living. You probably won’t get a lot of updates because I refuse to focus on what’s wrong with me when there is so much good stuff happening in life.
I learnt many years ago that people don’t want to hear anyone’s full medical history repeated over and over but that some folks are interested enough to know how others are going. I just wanted to let you know how it’s going for me and now I’ll return to normal blogging.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Stomach Ulcer – Pain – Endoscopy
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I’m glad you shared this with us because its good to share our burdens – and this sounds like a major one! I hope the tests reveal the source of the problem -or better yet that the syptoms disappear before.
It’s only natural to be nervous about the hospital stay, I’ve only been in once twice, once in 19__ to be born and once in 1990 to give birth.
I’ll be praying for you!
Hi Rodney
I may be able to get you in for an endoscopy sooner if you want as I have a family contact.
Let me know off line if you would like me to make further enquiries?
Rodney, sorry to hear that not only are you still having trouble, that you also have to endure a wait. Your positive attitude truly is an inspiration. I hope you have a resolution to this soon.
Hi Rodney,
it´s always way more difficult to go into unpleasant situations, knowing earlier they will come. I feel with you and I keep my fingers crossed for you.
It sounds really a difficult thing to endure but lets be thankful that these possibilities are there these days.
Hi Rodney
While it is true that nobody likes to hear other people’s full medical history per se, I think that in a personal blog it is allowed from time to time.
The reason I feel people visit blogs is because they become interested in that person’s life.
Sometimes it can be reassuring to others who are perhaps suffering in silence, to learn that they are not alone with feeling the way they do.
Thank you for sharing your anxiety with us. I will pray that your experience in hospital will be as comfortable as possible, and that you finally receive help for this painful condition.
Rodney, you are an inspiration to me with your positive attitude. Thank you.
Thank you everyone for your concern. I’m very touched by your words.
It certainly is a comfort knowing that others are thinking of me and praying for me at this time.
I know that it’s not a big deal and that others go through far more every day but I suppose we’re all just dealing with what we face day by day.
Thank you.
I didn’t move on, I read this post with care and understanding of how it is to love people, love life, and love God and still have this nagging issue that disrupts the QUALITY of life you would so appreciate, and even appreciate when its NOT up to that standard. I know. I’ve been there.
If I can put you at ease at all, I can tell you I had an endoscopy AND a colonoscopy all at once, and even though I stressed and worried a lot before hand, there was NOTHING to it.
You’ll be fine.