Playing favourites

Helping to keep the questions rolling in is Layla who asks, “If U2 is not your favorite band of all time (which I don’t understand but we can agree to disagree) then WHO IS????”

Now we’re getting into some interesting territory. I must say that I do own one U2 CD, Rattle and Hum, which I’ve played about three times. I also own a vinyl copy of War which I do quite enjoy but it’s not a favourite. I saw U2 in concert many years ago and was less than impressed. There are a number of reasons that contribute to my opinion of their performance which I won’t go into here.

As for what would be my favourite band …. well that’s a tough one. Depending on my mood there could be a number of bands that could take that title.

Though some might consider that a duo can’t really be considered a ‘band’ I’d have to say that there aren’t too many acts that can beat Everything But The Girl, especially their early stuff.

Then there’s the rawness of The Call. Singer, songwriter and lead singer, Michael Been, has an amazing ability to create lyrics that speak about real life and faith without resorting to cliche or looking at the world through rose coloured glasses.

A band that I’ve seen in concert a couple of times is Clannad. Absolutely brilliant.

(If it makes you feel any better, Layla, both The Call and Clannad have used Bono for backing vocals on a couple of their albums.)

I could list a lot more with a range of styles but I’ll just leave it at that for the moment.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: EBTG –

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I like the Call too, and yes that made me feel much better. I am so relieved to hear that you have at least ONE U2 CD 🙂

    thanks for answering my question, Rodney!!

  • War is one of my favourite albums. I saw U2 when they were here on the ‘Blood Red Sky’ tour, and they were absolutely outstanding.
    But I’ve been off them since ‘Unforgettable Fire’, and I’ve gone further off them since – Bono is a world-class git. He redefines pretentious.

  • I love the ‘War’ album – it’s got some hugely powerful songs on it.

    I could be biased though. I’m a mega U2 fan. They are unbelievable live in concert – saw them four times last year (London, New York, Copenhagen and Dublin!!) Hugely disappointed they’re not touring Australia (yes, I had tickets)

    I’m seeing Christy Moore (Irish folk singer) in April though here in London, which I’m looking forward to. I saw him a few years ago and he was hugely entertaining – the banter between songs was worth the ticket price alone.

  • I’m going to post about this in a few days, but I just have to tell you that I’m going to see Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville together with the Dallas Symphony next Thursday! I’m so excited. I bought my two sisters and my husband and myself tickets before Christmas. It’s going to sound so awesome in the Myerson symphony hall. I’ve been there twice before and the acoustics are truly amazing!

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