Blogging Light

I’m still alive …. I just may not seem that way over the next week.

I’m taking a couple of weeks annual leave and I’ll be spending the first week of that leave away with my family on Rottnest Island.

I may post a little while we’re away but maybe not, depending on the facilities available. I should make up for it the following week with lots of photos and posts.

Be good.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Hi Rodney, I hope you and your family have a fantastic week away. Rottnest Island? Sounds fascinating! I’m looking forward to reading your posts and looking at the photos when you come back. 🙂

  • I went to listen to you on the radio this morning, only to hear someone different. Two weeks holiday would explain it! Hope you have a wonderful time. The weather looks like it will be fine for the whole time you are away.

  • Have a wonderful time! Looking forward to reading all about it later.Take care and God bless!

  • Hi! My name is Tim DeMoss. I?m a disc jockey from Pennsylvania and am in the process of writing Larry Norman?s biography. While I have a lot of material from interviews, time spent with Larry, and so forth, I believe a great way to tell his story is to invite others (like yourself) to share their stories of Larry as well. I did a ?Yahoo? search, and your link/blog was one of those listed, so I wanted to extend the invitation to you to contribute. Personal interactions, concert experiences, how his music affected you and your friends/family, rumors you may have heard, questions you may have?those are all examples of how you might participate.

    The details and background are at Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Please also feel free to forward this on to anyone you believe would a) like to submit their thoughts or questions or b) simply be made aware of the biography?s progress and completion.

    Thanks very much!


    Tim DeMoss

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