Rodney's Recommendations

It’s Wednesday and so it’s time, once again, for me to recommend one of the blogs that I regularly visit.

I’m sure you’ll really enjoy some of the blogs I read and others will leave you scratching your head. I simply ask that you take a look to decide if you want to keep visiting the blogs I recommend.

I also ask that you leave a comment to let the blog owner know that you’ve visited and tell them I sent you for a quick look around.

Today’s choice is a blog that I really love. It’s Taxi Vignettes, written by Joann, a successful cab driver in the Silicon Valley.

If you’ve ever wanted to take a fly on the wall look at the job of a taxi driver, this is the blog for you. Taxi driving is a wonderful way to meet a range of people from all walks of life, and they’re all here on this well written blog.

The photos that Joann posts with each entry are a real highlight. They are unusual, sometimes quirky but always interesting.

If you do drop in to check out Taxi Vignettes, please leave Joann a comment just to let her know you’ve visited. Feel free to tell her I sent you.

I’d love to hear your blog recommendations. What are the ‘must read’ blogs for you? If you keep a blog, why not post a few of your favourites. If you don’t keep your own blog, feel free to add a few of your favourites in the comments section of this post.

If you ever want to browse some of the other blogs I read each day through Bloglines, you can read your way through THE BLOG LIST in my right hand sidebar.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: – Recommended Blogs – Bloglines

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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