Can you hear it?

After all the nasty things I’ve done to my ears in my lifetime, I didn’t expect that it’d work for me.

I was just reading Spare Change and noticed Bryan’s post about this CBS News story. It tells us that kids are now using a ring tone that adults can’t hear. Apparently the tone is too high pitched for us oldies.

The strange thing is, less than a month out from my 43rd birthday, I can hear it. I don’t hear it when I watch the TV report that includes the sound but I certainly do when I just listen to the sample audio clip they provide.

What about you? Click here to find out if you can hear it and let me know in the comments below.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Ok buddy, is this a joke cause I did not hear ANYTHING! Of course my ears are a bit tired today because I was sitting very close to the front of the stage at a Heart concert last night….It was great!

  • That’s scary Rodney, I’m only 27, & I’ve got fairly good hearing, I could not hear a thing.

  • Interesting. Both Pauline and I can hear it. (She’s a couple of months younger than me.)

    We all went to a concert last night and sat about a metre from the stage yet we can both hear the tone today.

  • i can hear it (but i’ not that old). i got my partner to listen too (he’s got horrible hearing). he said he could hear it and after he said that i realized he also had earplugs in!! (i dragged him away from his electric guitar to listen)

  • i heard it no problem at all.

    My 20 year old ears are still working fine.

    what baffles me though is why would someone want to have a ringtone as plain and boring as that.

  • I could hear a high pitched steady tone; not sure if that’s what it’s supposed to sound like.

    Of course I’m 26 and I’ve abused the crap outta my ears too lol

    If that’s what it’s supposed to sound like I’ll kill anyone who uses it :/

  • I heard it pretty well but then, I am still young. My sister couldn’t hear it though and she is two years younger than I. Sounds horrible, I would never use it as a ringtone.
    BTW, I read your earlier blog on Road to Bethlehem by Livingston SDA. I was involved behind the scenes last year and am again this year. It sounds like you enjoyed it. I would love to hear more about what you thought so we can keep making it better.

  • Nope, nothing, not a sausage. I do have blocked ears at the moment because of a cold, but suspect that I wouldn’t hear it anyway.

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